“Behold, your mother.” (Jn 19:27) 

  Fr. Augustine Vallooran, VC 

On the eighth day of the birth of our Lord,at the purification ceremony Jesus was circumcised according to the Jewish tradition

Here, Mother Mary offered back to God her first born Son whom God the Father had placed in her hands. This offering was for the salvation of the world which she knew could be achieved only with the price of His blood.

On this first occasion where Jesus shed His blood, Simeon, inspired by the Spirit, recognised the foreshadowing of the great sacrifice of blood at Calvary. He exulted, “Mine eyes have seen thy salvation which thou hast prepared in the presence of all peoples” (Lk 2:30,31).

It is next at Calvary that Jesus, hanging on the Cross, sheds His blood for the salvation of mankind. As the prophet explained “Surely, He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows… He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities” (Is 53:4,5). It was for our salvation and healing that Jesus accepted the sacrifice at the Cross. 

Simeon also perceived that the Mother will have a participation in the Son’s sacrifice. He turned to Mary and said, “And sorrow, like a sharp sword, will break through your own heart” (Lk 2:35). This sorrow of every man and woman is what she opted to share at Calvary. That decision made her the mother of suffering humanity. By the opening out of the mother’s heart, the burden of her Son became hers. The pain of all of humankind was laid on her heart. A love that was clearly manifested at Cana now gets a universal proportion. At Calvary, Jesus entrusted her with every human person shackled by the Cross, as He directed her: “Behold, your son!” (Jn 19:26). Mother Mary is asked by her Son to be present to all the tears and needs of her struggling children and to bring it all to Him in faith and hope.

Genuine love dares to be present to every situation of pain in the firm hope that nothing is impossible for God. As we place our tears and needs in the hands of God, we believe that God will save, for His promise is there, “Surely I am coming soon” (Rev 22:20). The Immaculate Heart of Mary opens our eyes to the wonder of love. Humankind is languishing in the dark prisons of thoughtlessness and indifference. The arrogant cry of Cain echoes in the hearts of  many today: “Am I my brother’s keeper?” The Immaculate Heart of Mary sets the tone of our  heartbeat to dare to be compassionate. Where there is love, there is the presence of God and the manifestation of His power and love.

Let us Pray:

O Lord, as we stand before your own heart of love, we are overwhelmed by your great love and sacrifice. Here we are to respond to your invitation to share in your mission to bring love, hope and faith to those who dwell in the valley of despair.

We thank you for presenting your Mother to be with us and care for us, to bear our burdens and guide us in the way of salvation. In every situation that we pass through, may your Spirit prompt us to respond with compassion. When the wine runs out in our lives, we shall lift our eyes to you; for you, O God, are the never-drying fountain. It is in your mercy that we trust.Mother Mary, stand by us in our hours of trial. Lead us to Jesus, to see His presence and providence

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