Media Ministry
Divine Vision, the media ministry of Divine has become a powerful instrument of God in bearing the good news to every home across the globe. Presently gospel programmes from Divine Retreat Centre are being telecast round the clock on two channels – Goodness TV and Divine TV. It has a large following and viewership on the social media platforms. The faithfulness of God and the power of His word has been witnessed to us by the moving testimonies of people who have found healing, answers and spiritual experiences by participating in these programs.
Divine Vision is the continuation of Divine Centre’s ministry over the last 3 decades. After ministering to the thousands every week at the retreat centre, there was an urgent need to reach further. There were millions more who were desperately in need of the saving word of God in their darkest hours. The thousands who came for retreat indicated a need for support to continue their journey towards healing. The media ministry was God’s answer for us.
Through the television ministry we were able to fulfill the mission of God to be His witness “to the ends of the earth” (Lk 24:49). Jesus commissioned the apostles to “Go to all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15). The intent of God’s heart is that not one soul should be denied of the healing and saving experience the Word of God provides. “This is the will of the Him who sent me, that I should not lose any of those He has given me” (Jn 6:39). Our vision is that any person in any corner of the world, going through a desperate moment can tune in to the television and receive the comforting and powerful word of Jesus coming from Divine

Divine Vision Television Ministry
Spiritual programs with anointed preaching and worship sessions, inspiring testimonies and enlightening teachings and discussions are aired continually through the Divine TV and Goodness TV channels, and the social media platforms such as the ‘Goodness TV’ and ‘Divine Retreat Centre Goodness TV’ YouTube channels. channel details The phenomenal developments in media and communications make this commission to reach the gospel to every person and every home across the globe, real and possible. St Pope John Paul II reminded the Church “Electronic media present ample opportunity for spreading the gospel.”
The Fathers of the Divine Retreat Centre inspired by this exhortation felt a personal call to start a Catholic gospel television ministry. The late Cardinal Varkey Vithayathil, the then Major Archbishop, strongly suggested that the Retreat Centre should start a Catholic gospel TV channel. This sentiment was echoed by other bishops and leaders of the Church.

Spiritual Partnership
“Do not settle for mediocrity” exhorted St Pope John Paul II. Divine Vision is committed to producing gospel programs of international television quality. As a non-profit Catholic television ministry, run by an indigenous congregation, the cost is daunting. Yet, it was clear from the inception that we could not put a price on the Word of God. We had to offer commercial free Catholic gospel programs. As we waited in prayer, the vision was clear. An ocean is made up by little drops of water. It is the generosity of thousands who have contributed on a regular basis that makes this ministry thrive and give glory to God.
Muringoor PO
Chalakudy 680 309
Kerala, India.
We invite you to support this proclamation of the word of God through your financial contributions and prayer. Regular donations are tremendously important to us. It will help us plan and produce quality and invest in the necessary infrastructure. If you are inspired to participate in this ministry as a spiritual partner where you are able to commit an amount every month to the cost of the ministry, we invite you to visit the SUPPORT US page on this site.
Divine Voice Publications
Divine Voice is the monthly magazine published by the Divine Retreat Centre, to journey with those seeking spiritual growth, to strengthen the faith and help the faithful persevere in their study of the word of God. The magazine carries the teachings of anointed priests, preachers, Bible scholars, testimonies of those who have experienced the powerful touch of God and updates on the programmes at the Divine Retreat Centre. It is heavily subsidized to encourage spiritual growth and is available in English, Malayalam, Konkani, Kannada, Hindi and Tamil.
Additionally, Divine publishes a monthly spiritual journal for children in English called ‘Mustard Kids’ and in Malayalam as ‘Kaithiri’. This is a very essential aid in raising our children in the faith. Foundational aspects of faith, introduction to the reading of the Bible, the lives of saints and traditions of the Church are presented in a very vibrant style that would appeal to children.
Address for correspondence
Fr Mathew Thadathil
Chief Editor,
Divine Retreat Centre,
Muringoor P.O.,
Chalakudy – 680309,
Kerala, India