

From Brokenness to Blessing: A Journey of Forgiveness and Faith

I was born in a Christian family. My dad was Anglican and my mum Catholic. Both were equally staunch in their beliefs. My mother was insistent in having us baptized and was very diligent in raising us in the faith, ensuring we go for daily mass and sending us for retreats during summer vacations. Though it planted a seed of knowing God in a deep way, when I came to college many things changed. I lost my closeness to Jesus and the earlier sincerity in the small and simple things of life seemed unimportant. I began questioning the practice of traditional prayers. I stopped going to church. During my second year I fell in love with a girl. It seemed most appropriate since it seemed that everyone else had a girlfriend. Over time I was quite sure she would be the one I would marry. I changed the course of my career, opting for a post-graduation that I may remain with her. A year later, my world crashed when I discovered that she had become friendly with another classmate. I was shattered and unable to see a future. My grief turned into anger. I was determined to prove to this girl that I could outshine her during the rest of the course. I was filled with unforgiveness and hatred. I was so disturbed I realized I must go for the retreat and try to find some peace. During the retreat I developed high fever. During the Eucharistic adoration where special prayers were offered for the healing of inner wounds, the priest who leading the service Fr Augustine Vallooran mentioned my name and gave a message to forgive and see how God works. It was hard. I nevertheless prayed for the unforgiveness and hate to be removed. As soon as I did this, I could feel a cool sensation over my body. I realised I had received the grace to completely forgive the girl and the boy whom she was in love with.
There began my journey with the Lord and ever since He has been beside me through some very trying times. I used to get seizures every seventh day, 10-15 times. During those times I could experience the Lord’s presence sustaining me. Years later, my family faced a challenge when my dad was diagnosed with a brain degenerative disease. Despite his struggles, for the first time he desired to make a retreat and was so involved in the Mass and Eucharistic Adoration services. 

The greatest blessing has been the opportunity to be involved in the youth ministry at Divine Retreat Centre. Thousands of youths came seeking God. I see in them a reflection of me, wanting to just touch the fringe of His garment and be healed. I am so grateful that God has allowed me to work with the gospel channel Goodness TV, though I have absolutely no training in this field. Here I find the meaning of my life. I am grateful for how God has used my experiences of joy and pain, of seeking and finding, to help journey with others to live beholding His glory. 

My ministry with the youth, gave me the opportunity to see how my life would have turned around if God had come into my life and how important it is for this present generation to encounter Christ and if I can be just a cog in God’s plan I would not mind doing so. While working in the media ministry one key element of what God wants from me is just my readiness and willingness to spread God’s word which I was ready to do, and He did the rest. He gave me some wonderful mentors who
also taught me how to use my asset in the ministry rather than diversify and try to learn new skills and not apply it.
At present I am working in a company called Crayon Software Experts Private Limited and based out of Bangalore. God has blessed me with this job and an amazing fiancée which I think is really God’s blessing and grace.

Marcus Silus Sam,

By His Name I am Healed: A Testimony of Faith and Deliverance

I am a housewife and a mother of two kids. In 2017 I suffered from severe anxiety disorder, palpitations, sleepless nights and panic attack. It just happened without any reason. I consulted two doctors who were not sure of what it was and did not given me any medicines. Then I attended my first retreat at Divine Retreat Centre in July 2017.

After attending the retreat, I continued reciting the Word given by Fr Augustine Vallooran, “But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you…” (Is 43: 1-7) and prayed with praising and thanking the Lord. This is my second and thanksgiving retreat at DRC. The Word of God healed me and delivered me. I am enjoying peace in my mind and heart. I praise and thank God.

Sharon Wilson

A Touch From Above: Finding Peace at the Divine Youth Retreat

I’m Shannen (20 yrs), of Our Lady of Fatima Church in Sewri; Mumbai. Having recently attended both a JEHR and an Inner Healing retreat, I felt prepared for the Youth retreat at Divine. There, I had a profoundly personal moment with God.

Overwhelmed by doubts and worries, I cried out to Him for answers. “If you’re real,” I pleaded, “reveal yourself to me today. I won’t leave until you speak to me!”

Then, in a seemingly preordained moment, Fr. Augustine Vallooran called my name over the microphone. “Shannen,” he declared, “God has heard your worries, and He will take care of them.” Almost instantly, I felt a cool sensation on my back.

By the end of the retreat, my doubts had vanished. My mind was clear, and even my blocked nose was healed! While retreats often bring me peace, this experience brought a calmness I’d never known before. Thank you, Jesus!
